Safeguarding Children - Professionals And Volunteers

Photograph of a teacher and child

The LSCB is responsible for coordinating local agencies' arrangements and has a collective responsibility for ensuring that all agencies working with children in Lambeth undertake their safeguarding duties and responsibilities.

This part of our website is aimed at those who work with children, young people and their families in Lambeth; this could be infrequent work or on an ad hoc basis, as a paid professional or as a volunteer. It is designed to give practitioners from all statutory, faith and voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations access to important safeguarding information, guidance, policies and other resources.

Voluntary and Community and Faith sectors

The LSCB is committed to working closely with the VCS and Faith sector in Lambeth in order to raise awareness and standards around the safeguarding of children and young people and strengthen partnership work between the third sector and statutory agencies. We update the sector through the VCS Forum, LSCB e-bulletin and LSCB briefings, as well as safeguarding training, through answering queries and giving general advice.

Please do not hesitate to contact Andrea Klingel, LSCB Policy & Performance Officer at if you are interested in receiving the bi-monthly LSCB e-bulletin and to make suggestions on safeguarding issues to be included in the news updates.

We hope you find the information provided useful and welcome any suggestions of further safeguarding areas that the LSCB could raise awareness of.