National Stalking Awareness Week

Submitted by GWilliams@lamb… on Wed, 04/27/2022 - 14:52

As part of Lambeth’s wider 2021-2027 strategy to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls, LSAB invites you to observe National Stalking Awareness Week. Stalking can take many forms and is not just limited to physical instances but virtual ones too, like cyber-harassment, use of tracking applications or of domestic security cameras.

Modern Slavery: War in Ukraine

Submitted by ceri.gordon on Tue, 04/19/2022 - 13:18

The war in Ukraine has displaced over 10 million people, particularly women and children, who are now at risk of Modern Slavery and exploitation in general. Ukraine is a pre-existing trafficking hub making many vulnerable to being ‘re-trafficked’ and increasing risk in general. LSAB is aware that this issue may only increase over time as more refugees are welcomed into the UK, creating a new pool of persons at risk. The fast-tracked nature of the sponsor scheme may also lead to poor vetting, further exposing refugees to risk.

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