Welcome to the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board
Safeguarding adults is about protecting someone’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect and about preventing the abuse of adults who might be unable to protect themselves because of their disabilities or care needs. It is something that everyone needs to know about.
Safeguarding Adults is everyone’s business and the Care Act 2014 made adult safeguarding a statutory (legal) duty for all professionals.
This website is for Lambeth residents, health and social care professionals and all organisations working with the people of Lambeth. It aims to give you information about Adult Safeguarding in Lambeth, by setting out what adult safeguarding means and what you can do to support adults who may be at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect.
The website also gives other relevant information about the Mental Capacity Act, the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and provides information about the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board.
It's that time of year when we hold the Lambeth Safeguarding Adult's board MCA week 2023

How to raise a concern
If you are concerned about a person who is over the age of 18 years of age, they have care and support needs, and you feel they are being abused or at risk of abuse from another person, you should seek help for them.
If you're not sure what to do, or need some advice, there are people who can help. You can talk to your GP or nurse, a social worker, a police officer or your key worker. They will help you to report your concerns.
If you need to raise an adult safeguarding concern about an adult who is experiencing abuse or neglect and who cannot protect themselves, report it using the online form - this is the quickest and most secure way to report concerns. The person telling us about the possible abuse or neglect can remain anonymous.
Complex Case Pathway
Are you a professional who feels stuck going in circles and unsure what to do next? If so, the Complex Case Pathway may be able to help.
This tool has been designed to help professionals who are working with individuals who have complex needs or where cases feel ‘stuck’ – this might include those who are self-neglecting or who are not engaging with services, so at risk of slipping through the gaps. These are individuals who may not meet Section 42 criteria.
The Complex Case Pathway provides a clear structure for all professionals involved to help to manage, and where possible, reduce that risk. It is a preventative tool and can be used when supporting those who are self-neglecting, or who are refusing or disengaging from services. It can also help responses where there are concerns that a person may be ‘falling through the gaps’.
Download this tool now to support you in practice: for more information and advice, speak to your organisation’s adult safeguarding lead.
We need your feedback!
The Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board is conducting a staff survey focusing on learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews.
We want to hear from people across the partnership to help us gain a better understanding of how learning is understood in Lambeth.
It is important that the workshops and practice guidance developed by the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board benefit you, and support you in protecting adults at risk. Your responses will help us to make improvements and build on the good practice already being showcased across Lambeth.
Thank you - we really appreciate your time!