News articles and updates

The below captures some of the latest articles, research and news that is relevant to Adult Safeguarding.

Keeping Safe From Domestic Abuse


The Community Reference Group are pleased to announce two workshops taking place on the 16th July 2018 which aim to raise awareness of domestic abuse and support services in Lambeth.

Domestic abuse and violence can affect us all, sometimes in a devastating way. Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence. It is not limited to a particular gender, ethnicity, age, class or sexual orientation. Perpetrators can be of either gender and domestic violence can occur in same sex relationships, between family members as well as current or previous partners.


Responding to Domestic Abuse; A workshop for professionals working in Lambeth

10am to 12pm, Lambeth Town Hall

At this event we will hear from Lambeth’s Violence against Women and Girls team and Lambeth Adult Safeguarding about effective ways of responding to concerns of domestic abuse

What to expect at this event:

  • Advice and guidance on safeguarding procedures

  • Information on effective risk assessments and the role of MARAC

  • Understand trauma effects and coping mechanisms for victims of DV

To sign up for the FREE event, please register at eventbrite


Keeping Safe from Domestic Abuse

1pm to 3:30pm, Lambeth Town Hall

At this second event, we will hear from Lambeth’s Violence against Women and Girls team, GAIA domestic violence services and Lambeth Adult Safeguarding.

Unlike the first session which is aimed at professionals, this session is open to anyone who wants to find out more about responses to Domestic Abuse and the services available in Lambeth.

What to expect:

  • An outline of the definition of domestic violence/abuse

  • A better understanding of the indicators of domestic violence

  • Guidance on disclosure ‘do’s and don’ts’

  • Information on support services in Lambeth

  • Explain how to report concerns to Lambeth Adult Social care


To sign up for this FREE event please register at eventbrite