The Everyone's Invited website drew attention to traumatic experiences of sexual harassment and sexual assault that young people, and specifically young women, have had perpetrated against them. The Lambeth SAB will join alongside other partnerships to support local responses to this.
This website has been updated to ensure it contains information about relevant support services for young people who may be seeking help for experiences of rape/sexual assault/sexual abuse. The Lambeth SAB will also write to local universities and educational colleges to request they complete the ‘SARAT’ (ADASS Safeguarding Adults at Risk Audit Tool) which provides a clear outline of their duties under adult safeguarding legislation and to prompt them to evidence the existence of proper adult safeguarding procedures, policies, training and a culture of awareness around adult abuse.
To report an adult safeguarding concern please use the online form. You can also contact the NSPCC's dedicated helpline on 0800 136 663