News articles and updates

The below captures some of the latest articles, research and news that is relevant to Adult Safeguarding.

Latest news and updates from the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board

LSAB Bulletin logo

The latest edition of the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board newsletter has been published.

We have lots of new resources available following our October Board meeting including:

For all this and more, please see our full update below.


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Understanding what constitutes a safeguarding concern

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The Local Government Association have announced a series of webinars to support the understanding of what constitutes a safeguarding concern. These . This multi-agency framework will enable you to take a shared accountability and responsibility for decisions and action through collective and transparent actions.  There will be an opportunity to explore implementation of the multi-agency framework.

The framework connects with the framework on ‘Making decisions on the duty to carry out Safeguarding Adults enquiries’. Its purpose is to help achieve effective multi-agency outcomes that address risks to wellbeing and safety whether through a safeguarding response or through another pathway.

There will be two parts to the webinars, the first part will be a pre-recorded webinar presentation which will give you a foundational understanding and introduce participants to quick guides and case studies which will be referred to in the subsequent series of 8 live virtual Q & A sessions.  Prior viewing of the pre-recorded webinar is recommended and will provide added value to participants.

This series of webinars are aimed at: safeguarding strategic and operational leads in all organisations (including local authority and health providers and police commissioners, voluntary sector, advocacy, independent health and care providers, and homelessness providers/organisations, CQC, etc.).

If you are interested in attending a workshop please send your expressions of interest to indicating which webinar you would like to join.

Dates offered:

  • 3rd, December 2020 (morning)
  • 7th December 2020 (morning)
  • 26th January 2021 (morning)
  • 27th January 2021 (morning)
  • 12th February 2021 (morning)
  • 17th February 2021 (morning)
  • 15th  March 2021 (morning)
  • 22nd March 2021 (morning)

Confirmed facilitators for the Q&A sessions:

Jane Hughes, Managing Director and Adult Safeguarding Consultant, Making Connections IOW Ltd.

Dawn Revell, Adult Safeguarding Consultant Making Connections IOW Ltd.

other useful links:

Free Lambeth service to record your future treatment and care wishes

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Has covid-19 made you think about what care and treatment you would or wouldn’t want if you became very unwell?  Lambeth residents can get free help to record your future wishes now in an advance care plan, so that your loved ones and care professionals will know what’s important to you if you’re unable to tell them later. 

You can use your plan to record things such as what you like to eat, how you style your hair and clothes, daily routines and care preferences for example requesting male or female carers.  You can also explain any religious practices or values that are important to you, and care requirements for any long-term conditions, or other family members you might look after.  While you can’t insist on receiving particular medical treatments, you can specify those you wouldn’t want to receive in certain situations, or you could appoint someone else to make these decisions on your behalf.

There can be a lot to consider, but people usually find making an advance care plan helps them to feel more in control and gives them and their loved ones peace of mind, because their wishes can be respected.

You can make an advance care plan at any time and you don’t need a solicitor to do it.  The free support service for Lambeth residents is run by a group of local organisations.  We can tell you about the different planning documents you can use, help you decide which ones you want, support you to complete them and then share them with the right people.  Choose from one-to-one support over the phone or create your own plan using free documents. Find out more:

State of Care 2019/20 - CQC report

State of Care report image

CQC has published their annual assessment of health and social care in England. This year’s assessment considers the state of care before COVID-19 and then focuses on the impact of COVID-19 and what happens next. They have looked at the way sectors and providers have worked together locally, especially in response to COVID-19.