A key strategic aim of the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) is to raise awareness of adult safeguarding in Lambeth. This includes ensuring that everyone knows how to raise concerns that someone may be being abuse or neglected.
In 2017/18, the LSAB undertook an awareness survey to try and find out more about what people would do if they or someone they knew was being abused or neglect. Some respondents talked about how reporting adult safeguarding concerns would make them feel afraid or vulnerable, and that they might just hope someone else would do it.
The LSAB wants to make sure that people feel confident in reporting safeguarding concerns. As part of this aim, the Community Reference Group have developed a new poster which aims to quickly and simply outline who individuals can talk to if they have a concern. In outlining the different ways people can report concerns, we hope that people will feel more comfortable in approaching someone they trust to report their concerns.
By reporting abuse, you can help bring it to an end. When you report abuse, people will:
• listen to you
• take your concerns seriously
• respond sensitively
• make enquiries about the concerns
• consider the wishes of the adult at risk
• talk to the police if it is a criminal matter
• support the adult at risk to achieve the changes they want, wherever possible
• develop a plan with the adult at risk to keep them safe in the future
• consider if anyone else is at risk.
This new poster can be now be downloaded from the LSAB website alongside other information leaflets, including our easy-read document.
You can also find out more about safeguarding adults and how to raise concerns by exploring our website further.