News articles and updates

The below captures some of the latest articles, research and news that is relevant to Adult Safeguarding.

Latest news and udpates from the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board

lsab bulletin

The latest edition of the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board newsletter has been published. September's edition includes updates on the Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures, recently published Safeguarding Adults Reviews and details about some exciting events happening this month.

To read the full update, please see below.


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Publication of 2018/19 annual report

2018-19 Annual Report

Lambeth SAB's annual report for 2018/19 has now been published on the LSAB website.

The report showcases the work undertaken in the borough on adult safeguarding including:

  • The creation of a new Mental Capacity Act Guidance and Charter document  
  • Developing new awareness raising materials, including a new poster pinpointing where to go for help if you are worried someone is being abused or neglected
  • Launching a new quarterly e-bulletin to highlight key news and updates relating to adult safeguarding
  • Delivering training and awareness sessions focusing on domestic abuse, for both professionals and the public
  • Hosting an event which focused on Best Interests Decision 
  • Delivery of a successful  Safeguarding Adults Masterclass series for professionals working in Lambeth and neighbouring boroughs

 All of these achivements, and more, are outlined in our report.

The Board and its partners will continue to work hard to build on this work as we move forward.

There are many exciting initiatives planned for the year head including themed engagement events and new tools to guide referrers through the process of raising safeguarding concerns. To keep up to date with latest news and updates, contact to sign up to our e-bulletin!