News articles and updates

The below captures some of the latest articles, research and news that is relevant to Adult Safeguarding.

London Safeguarding Voices Group - your voice is important to us

Making Safeguarding Personal banner

Are you someone with lived experience of adult safeguarding processes who wants to make a difference? Or do you work with someone who may be interested in sharing their experiences to help make our work more person-centred?

If so, we’d like to hear from you!

The London Safeguarding Adults Board want to ensure that the voices of people with lived experience of adult safeguarding are at the heart of Safeguarding governance and practice across London. To do this, they are bringing together three people with lived experience of Safeguarding from each local Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) to join their new regional London Safeguarding Voices Group (LSVG).

Who are they looking for?

We are seeking people from all walks of life, with differing levels and types of lived experience of Safeguarding, either personally, as a family member or a Carer. You may not have been involved with anything like this before and this will be your opportunity to make a real difference to future safeguarding practices in London. Specifically:

  • You live or work in London or have an adult relative being cared for in London.
  • You have experience of Safeguarding either personally or as a family member or a Carer.
  • You are committed and passionate about improving outcomes for adults who are at risk of being abused, meaning that people will get a better experience and results to their lives.
  • You are committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion.
  • You will know how to use and have access to IT equipment and Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel, and other packages (Note: the LSVG are happy to discuss your computer/ IT needs and support where possible)

What will the role involve?

This is a voluntary role, and you will be invited attend monthly virtual LSVG meetings. Each meeting will last for 90 minutes and take place via Zoom. The meetings will enable you to contribute to the development, implementation, and evaluation of the LSVG work Programme. The London SAB promise that you will be supported to ensure you have the confidence to make a meaningful contribution and that you enjoy the experience.

What will you get from the role?

By joining the LSVG, you will have the opportunity to contribute to:

  1. Influencing the Making Safeguarding Personal Regional Agenda
  2. Influencing safeguarding practices across London
  3. Developing safeguarding services for the future
  4. Improving people’s experience of safeguarding

You will also get access to adult safeguarding training delivered by an approved trainer, with certification upon successful completion.

You can also hear from current members of the LSVG, by watching this new animation.

To find out more about representing Lambeth at the LSVG, contact We also ask all our partners to share in their networks and to think about anyone they work with who might like to get involved.


Achieving best practice in Adult Safeguarding - Complex Case Pathway

Achieving best practice in Adult Safeguarding - Complex Case Pathway

Do you feel you stuck going in circles? If so, the Complex Case Pathway may be able to help.

The Complex Case Pathway is a useful tool for those who do not meet Section 42 criteria but where risk remains. The Complex Case Pathway provides a clear structure for all professionals involved to help to manage, and where possible, reduce that risk.

It is a preventative tool and can be used when supporting those who are self-neglecting, or who are refusing or disengaging from services. It can also help responses where there are concerns that a person may be ‘falling through the gaps’.

Download this tool now to help support you in practice.

For more information and advice, speak to your organisation’s adult safeguarding lead.


Have you used the tool already?

If you've been using the tool, we'd love to hear from you about how the tool has helped you or any challenges you faced. To share your feedback, use our online form.


Find out more:


Latest news and updates from the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board

The Board logo

The latest edition of the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board newsletter has been published. We had a busy agenda at our October meeting and considered a range of topics. In this bulletin you can find out more about what we are planning to do for National Safeguarding Adults Week and view our new animations.

For all this and more, please see our full update below.

Achieving best practice in adult safeguarding: Sex and Capacity

Adult safeguarding - achieving best practice sex and capacity

Sexual Relationships and Mental Capacity 

Watch our new animation on sexual relationships and mental capacity!

Assessing a person’s mental capacity to consent to sex can be a complex task for professionals.

It can feel embarrassing, and language, experience and attitudes around sex are different for everyone, including vulnerable people. This is a sensitive subject which may challenge our assumptions, and professionals need to consider how to use an individualised approach to support the conversation.


To support those working in this area, a masterclass was held in 2020 which aimed to equip professionals with legal knowledge and practical guidance to support them in practice. This masterclass was recorded and is now a permanent recourse available for all to access:

  • In Part 1, Nicola Kohn from 39 Essex Chambers gives an overview of the Mental Capacity Act as it applied to sex, and recent developments in the law. [0:56 hour]
  • In Part 2,  Dr Sonja Soeterik and Dr Emma Ferguson (Clinical Psychologists specialising in Neuropsychology) talk through the process of carrying out a mental capacity assessment when the question relates to sex and other related issues (contraception, marriage). [1:42 hour]

Further reading:

Court of Protection Handbook